Tool Taxis successfully convey a IBC-CBL to 85° deviation in 9-5/8” casing
Operators in the Middle East routinely require cement evaluation in very highly deviated wellbores. IBC-CBL in extended reach wells can quickly become very expensive due to difficulties in logging tool conveyance.
Traditional methods of centralizing the IBC-CBL using slip-over centralizers causes excessive drag. This makes it challenging to descend past 60° deviation via gravity. Operators had to resort to pipe or tractor conveyed logging for higher deviations. Pipe conveyed logging is operationally complex, time consuming and risky, whereas tractor conveyance can sometimes be limited by force output in long laterals.
To overcome this, the slip-over centralizers were replaced by Centralizing Tool Taxis, and tool strings now routinely descend on gravity to >80° deviation.
Track record includes horizontal logging of IBC-CBL over 20000ft, with an ECCE below 0.2”.

Using strong slip-over centralizers for Cement Evaluation tools limits the maximum deviation the tools can descend to under gravity.
The IBC-CBL was run on centralizing Tool Taxis, removing the need for the centralizers.
Tool strings able to descend freely to 85° and assist tractors in horizontals of over 15000ft.